Skills: order, concentration, coordination, independence

One basket with appropriate dust cloths and an area to dust.
- Invite the child to dust.
- Carry basket of dust cloths to an area in need of dusting.
- With dominant hand, grasp dust cloth.
- Start at the top left corner. Wipe toward top right.
- Move down and again repeat left to right wiping motion.
- Continue in this manner until area has been properly and evenly dusted.
- Look at dust cloth.
- Place cloth in laundry basket for dirty cloths.
Points of Interest:
Feel of the cloth, seeing the area which is being dusted become clean, feeling the left to right motion, and seeing the dust on the cloth when finished.
Control of Error:
- Seeing dust left on the table or areas being dusted
- dust, cloth, table (or name of area being dusted), clean, wipe

feather duster
Use a feather duster. Show the child how to carry the feather duster. Grasp lightly, use a sweeping motion to dust the designated area.
Dust objects in the environment. Wash and polish after dusting.